
The mini dental implant procedure is a much less involved process than the conventional dental implants. For this reason, the procedure can usually be completed in one simple dental appointment.

In addition to saving time in the dental office, you will have far less discomfort following this procedure (usually requiring no surgical flaps or sutures.

Because the mini dental implants are so time efficient, your dentist is able to perform these procedures at a fraction for the cost associated with the larger conventional dental implants.

Gum Treatment

Did you know that people who take regular visits to the dentist are more likely to have healthier teeth? General oral health and wellness can be obtained through proper oral care…

Complete Dental Care

Did you know that people who take regular visits to the dentist are more likely to have healthier teeth? General oral health and wellness can be obtained through proper oral care…

Clear Braces

Need to align your teeth without the metal braces? Clear Braces is a great alternative as it is safe, customized and more importantly straightens your teeth…


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Contact Us

Office Address:

Agape Dental
5752 Lonetree Blvd.
Rocklin, California

Office Hours:

Tuesday – Friday:
9:00AM – 6:00PM

Saturday (by appointment):
9:00AM – 3:00PM

24-hr notice for any rescheduling or cancellations

Phone: 916-824-8711 / 916-824-8712

Fax: 888 426 7339

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