Root Canal Treatment in Rocklin, CA
Dentists perform about 15 million root canals yearly in the United States. It’s a common procedure that normally instills fear in people due to worries of pain. But, contrary to popular belief, root canal treatment relieves you of your pain. It’s a necessary treatment to prevent an infection from spreading and helps maintain better oral health. If you’re nervous about having a root canal treatment, let us ease your fear—it is typically a painless process that can be completed in one visit. With Agape Dental by your side, we’ll guide you through the process, explain what to expect, discuss why the treatment might be needed, and help reduce dental anxiety.
Root Canal Treatment Explained
Dr. Mignon Mapanao will perform a root canal when the tooth pulp—the innermost layer of your teeth—becomes infected. An infection can happen when bacteria from your mouth reach the pulp inside your tooth, leading to inflammation. There are a couple of reasons why an infection happens: an untreated cavity or a cracked/damaged tooth. If there is an opening in the enamel, bacteria will enter and cause an infection.
Tooth pulp lives in your tooth’s inner chamber and the canals that lead to your roots. The pulp consists of tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. All of these components of your pulp are important for the tooth as it grows. Fully developed teeth don’t require pulp for survival, so we can safely remove the pulp if it becomes infected.
Symptoms you may need root canal treatment include a loose tooth, persistent tooth pain, discoloration, discomfort, and swollen gums or jaw.
Root Canal Treatment Procedure
Root canal treatment is straightforward, but we must complete a few steps before the procedure. First, we need to examine your mouth and take X-rays. That will help us determine if there is an infection and if a root canal is necessary.
The next step is preparation. Dr. Mapanao will administer local anesthesia to make the treatment painless and you as comfortable as possible. We will use a dental dam to keep the area clean and dry. Then, she will clean the infection. The cleaning process includes Dr. Mapanao safely drilling a small hole in the top of your tooth, which is necessary to access the pulp. She will then remove the infected pulp with dental instruments. Afterward, she’ll disinfect the area, fill it with gutta-percha—a medical-grade thermoplastic—then seal it to block bacteria. The final step is to cover the tooth with a dental crown. Caring for your dental crown is easy; a regular oral hygiene routine, such as brushing and flossing daily, will suffice.
The duration of the procedure depends on the severity of your case. Typically, it only takes 30-90 minutes. You may feel mild discomfort after the procedure, but that typically disappears after a few days. Full recovery takes less than a week. We recommend sticking to soft foods like yogurt, eggs, and pasta for the first few days.
Preventive Measures
To avoid needing a root canal, practice good dental hygiene. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush at least twice daily for two minutes. Use a fluoride toothpaste and replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months. Floss at least once daily, and remember to use a mouthwash.
Additionally, we recommend you regularly visit us for dental cleanings to keep your teeth pristine. We can also detect other dental issues that need to be addressed.
Book a Free Consultation with Agape Dental
Our priority is maintaining clean, healthy, and strong teeth. Sometimes, a root canal is necessary to achieve that goal. It’s a straightforward and virtually painless procedure that can significantly improve oral health.
Dr. Mapanao provides in-depth care and will thoroughly assess your needs. She will develop an individualized care plan for you, so contact us today to schedule your free consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
It depends on your unique situation. If the tooth is beyond saving, we may need to extract it. That will open the door to dental restoration options like mini dental implants. The best way to know if you need a root canal or extraction is to visit us for your free consultation.
The failure rate of root canals is extremely low, with an overall success rate of up to 98%. Root canal treatment can fail if other issues go undetected. However, Dr. Mapanao brings 35 years of experience and guarantees every patient a thorough examination. Her meticulous process prevents issues such as this from happening.
Root canal treatments are generally painless. The discomfort you may experience is often related to the untreated infection prior to your visit. After your procedure, you can expect to leave our office feeling pain-free and comfortable.